
We dream of living off the grid and meeting all of our energy needs. Until then, we work on bettering ourselves every day to make conscious changes to live a more sustainable life, and to “love harder” in this crazy world, as Cristina says. And we’ve been meeting pretty fantastic people along the way!
50 Black Voices in the Green Space
Discover over 50 Black voices in the green space to follow on Instagram, from herbalists & foragers, to vegan influencers, zero waste experts, climate activists, ecologists, farmers, food justice advocates, and more.
40+ Zero Waste Gift Ideas that Aren’t Stuff
These 40+ zero waste gift ideas that aren’t stuff will help you offer your loved-ones a chance to learn, to relax, and so much more!
10 Zero Waste Cleaning Tips
Our 10 Zero Waste Cleaning Tips help you clean your home without trashing the planet. Turns out it’s easy, cheap, and makes ya feel good.
How to Furnish Your Home 100% Secondhand
Learn 7 helpful tips to furnish your home 100% secondhand to minimize your waste and carbon footprint. Moving is a giant task that can have a massive carbon footprint and create a ton of waste. But with some simple steps, it can actually be quite easy to minimize the damage without adding on layers of stress.
6 Zero Waste Moving Tips for Relocating Overseas
These 6 zero moving tips for relocating overseas will help you plan ahead and pack smart to minimize waste and save a lot of money.
English Ivy Laundry Detergent
Make your own natural English Ivy Laundry Detergent. Ditch the toxic chemicals, unnecessary packaging and carbon emissions and make your free alternative to industrial detergent.
5 Practices that Helped me Cope with Open-heart Surgery for PAPVR and ASD Repair
Coping with open-heart surgery for PAPVR and ASD repair: here are the 5 strategies that worked for me when I was diagnosed with these rare congenital heart defects at age 30.
The 5 Best Thrift Stores in Durham, NC
Explore secondhand gems in the Bull City. Here are the 5 best thrift stores in Durham, NC. Print your thrifting tour map and get going!
7 Tips for Secondhand Baby Gear
Read our 7 tips on consciously sourcing your second hand baby gear.
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